SLHA has an awards scheme to recognise the endeavours and achievements of local groups, societies and individuals in the fields of Lincolnshire history and archaeology. The Flora Murray Award is the principal award; the winner receives a cheque for £200 and a framed certificate. SLHA Awards for Excellence may also be given to outstanding projects; winners receive a framed certificate. Winners of both awards receive free copies of the Society's journal and magazine for the following year. Eligibility Groups and individuals are equally eligible to receive awards. Groups must be operating within the historic county of Lincolnshire, but the restriction on location does not apply to individuals, provided their work pertains to the County. Projects in which an SLHA group has played a major role are ineligible, but individual SLHA members are not debarred. The project should have been completed, published or displayed after the beginning of the year preceding the year of the award, e.g. an entry for the 2025 award should have been completed after 1 January 2025. If there is doubt about the eligibility of a project, guidance may be sought from the SLHA Office ( Projects Projects suitable for entry to the scheme include published books, exhibitions, lectures, websites, educational resources and village trails. In fact, any project, so long as it relates to the history and archaeology of the County, can be submitted and will be considered. Brief accounts of successful projects from previous years are reported on this website. Applications Applications for an award must be made on the application form by either the author/director of the project or by a third party with the author/director's permission. Download the Application Form here. Guidance The project should contain sound information and be presented clearly and attractively. The purpose of the project and its target audience should be made clear; indications of success should be reported wherever possible. Judging A panel of senior SLHA post holders judges entries. Their decisions are final. The Society reserves the right not to make any awards in a particular year. The judging panel considers the following criteria: * Factual content: is the material factually correct, well-chosen and relevant to the theme and purpose of the project? * Style: is the material presented in a clear and coherent fashion and the information well organised? * Presentation: is the publication (or other material) well designed, attractive and colourful? * Appeal: Is the project original or unusual? Does it represent a huge achievement or have a 'wow' factor? * Success: How successful has the project been or likely to be in terms of interest shown and active involvement by the 'target audience'? Has it met its stated aims? Applicants should consider these criteria when promoting their project on the application form, although it is recognised that not all applications - because of the range of project types - can be judged equally satisfactorily against all criteria. Books and other relevant concrete items should accompany application forms where appropriate; if requested they will be returned afterwards. It is important that the judging panel is given opportunity to visit exhibitions, follow trails or attend time-limited events well in advance of the closing date for receipt of entries. Presentation The Flora Murray Award and SLHA Awards for Excellence are presented at the first Sunday Special meeting of the following year, usually held in January. Closing Date The closing date for the 2025 awards is 31 October 2025 Please note that at present the SLHA bookshop is not open every day and the office is only manned occasionally, and so it may not be possible to deliver large packages to the SLHA office in Lincoln. (Current shop opening hours are given on the Home Page of this website.) Application forms and supporting information should be submitted digitally by email or by post if the material can be posted through a standard letter box. Where the supporting information is large and bulky, contact should be made with the SLHA Office ( to make arrangements for delivery. Downloads: Illustrated report of Award winners 2019 |
Flora Murray Award 2023 Wings to the Past project which brought RAF families together in archaeological digs with the assistance of Bishop Grosseteste University.
Award of Excellence 2023 Exhibition of Louth-made clocks by Louth Museum. Photograph: Naomi Field (SLHA President), Dr Derwin Gregory (Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln), Suzy Watts (Wings to the Past project), James Watts, Andrew Walker (SLHA Chair) |