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IA on the Humber Bank
Visit to New Holland and Barrow

A small group of industrial archaeologists from SLHA made an informal visit to New Holland and Barrow upon Humber on a cold day in early February.

A walk round New Holland included the former Yarborough Hotel (currently under restoration), Manchester Square (built in the c.1850 and little changed), Christ Church CE church (redundant and sadly neglected), the Primitive Methodist Chapel (another large abandoned place of worship), the Primary School (extended and remodelled but retaining original 1906 structure), the Co-op store (original character needing development) and railway station (minimal provision dating from building of Humber Bridge and closure of the ferry).

Public paths were followed to both east and west of the modern dock at New Holland to view port activity (unloading grain, ship-breaking).

Moving to Barrow Haven, a brief guided tour was given by the owner of the small dock where timber from Riga (Latvia) was being unloaded. Advantage was taken of an excellent view of the haven from the Humber Bank to the west.

In Barrow a brief visit was made to the former gasworks site on St Chad. A dwelling house and shed appear to be conversions of gasworks buildings dating from the late 1870s; the remainder of the site has been cleared and is an open garden area.

Finally, a walk was taken round the site of a quarry and limekilns on the southern edge of Barrow. The remains of the limekilns, last used over a century ago, are of particular interest. Further investigation is needed to understand the operation of double-shafted pairs of kilns.

The day was arranged in part to replicate a visit made by the County's Industrial Archaeology group in 1967. On that occasion travelling from Lincoln and between the sites on the Humber Bank was by train.

Barrow Haven

Manchester Square, New Holland

New Holland Dock



February 2018