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Bassingthorpe Manor House
Bassingthorpe Manor House
Bassingthorpe Manor House

This house, in fine ashlar limestone, close by the parish church, was once part of a larger house built by Thomas Coney in 1568.

Peter Kirk Collection, 1997

Bassingthorpe, Manor House, Thomas Coney
Bassingthorpe, St Thomas
Bassingthorpe, St Thomas
Bassingthorpe, St Thomas

The Early English tower has three stepped courses and a small spire with one tier of tiny broaches.

May 2015

Bassingthorpe, St Thomas church
Bassingthorpe, St Thomas
Bassingthorpe, St Thomas
Bassingthorpe, St Thomas

Much of St Thomas's is 13th century - the large windows are 15th  and 16th century additions.

The oldest features are the south arcade and the chancel arch - both 12th century.

The church has an attractive setting on a hillside close to the Tudor manor house and with farm buildings nearby.

May 2015

Bassingthorpe, St Thomas church
Bassingthorpe, St Thomas
Bassingthorpe, St Thomas
Bassingthorpe, St Thomas

The windows in both the north and south side (here to the right) aisles are thought to date from the Elizabethan period.

May 2015

Bassingthorpe, St Thomas church
Bassingthorpe, St Thomas
Bassingthorpe, St Thomas
Bassingthorpe, St Thomas

The Early English tower, with its lancet window, and Y tracery in the belfry stage, dates from the 13th century.

May 2015

Bassingthorpe, St Thomas Church