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Cammeringham, Manor House
Cammeringham, Manor House
Cammeringham, Manor House

Some parts of the manor House date from the twelfth century, others are extensions or rebuildings of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

It has associations with the Tyrwhitt and Chaplin families.

Pearl Wheatley, 2012

Cammeringham, Manor House, Tyrwhitt Chaplin
Cammeringham, Manor House
Cammeringham, Manor House
Cammeringham, Manor House

"Manor house. Mid C12, early C18, Cl9 ... Originally seat of Tyrwhitt family, sold to Chaplin family early in C18 for £20,000"

DB 19 November 2020

Cammeringham, Manor House, Tyrwhitt Chaplin
Cammeringham, Manor House, Fish Pond
Cammeringham, Manor House, Fish Pond
Cammeringham, Manor House, Fish Pond

View into the Manor House grounds from Cammeringham Hill at National Grid Reference SK 950 820.

Marked as a Fish Pond on the OS 25 inch map published 1906 with a sheepwash near the viewpoint.

Part of a medieval moat remains intact in the grounds.

DB 19 November 2020

Cammeringham, Manor House, Moat, fish pond
Cammeringham, Manor House, Gate Piers
Cammeringham, Manor House, Gate Piers
Cammeringham, Manor House, Gate Piers

"Pair of gate piers. Early C18" 

DB 19 November 2020

Cammeringham, Manor House, Gate Piers
Cammeringham, Manor House, interior
Cammeringham, Manor House, interior
Cammeringham, Manor House, interior

One of the rooms in the Manor House has twelfth-century vaulting.

Pearl Wheatley, 2012

Cammeringham, Manor House
Cammeringham, Pump / Well
Cammeringham, Pump / Well
Cammeringham, Pump / Well

Semicircular indentation in wall facing the B1398 at National Grid Reference SK 948 820 almost opposite the junction with Back Lane.

Marked as a pump on the OS 25 inch map published 1886 and as a well on the map published 1906.

DB 19 November 2020

Cammeringham, Pump, well
Cammeringham, St Michael
Cammeringham, St Michael
Cammeringham, St Michael

St Michael's now consists only of a small nave with bellcote and chancel.  This view of the east end shows how close the building is to the modern road (B1398).

The Tyrwitt family once had a seat here, and in the chancel is an elegant memorial to Mrs Jane Tyrwitt d 1657.

June 2008

Cammeringham, St Micael, Tyrwitt, Norman arcade
Cammeringham, St Michael
Cammeringham, St Michael
Cammeringham, St Michael

This view of St Michael's from the west shows the prominent bellcote attached to a relatively small nave and chancel.

The former Norman arcade can be seen in outline within the present north wall (to the left).

June 2008

Cammeringham, St Michael, Tyrwitt, Norman arcade
Cammeringham, St Michael
Cammeringham, St Michael
Cammeringham, St Michael

Kelly's Directory 1919 states "The church of St. Michael is a building of stone in the Early English style, consisting of chancel and nave and a western turret:

the present church is but a remnant of a much larger building in the Perpendicular style; it formerly had a south aisle, the built-up arcade of which now forms the north side of the structure:

in the churchyard graves have been discovered from time to time very skilfully fashioned in the rock, after the ancient form of the "kistvaen :"

in the church is an ancient monument of the Tyrwhitt family, ancestors of Viscount Oxenbridge:

there are 90 sittings"

DB 19 November 2020

Cammeringham, Saint Michael, church, image
Cammeringham, St Michael
Cammeringham, St Michael
Cammeringham, St Michael

White's Directory 1872 states "CAMMERINGHAM, a secluded village, 7 miles N. by W. of Lincoln, has in its parish 139 souls and 1806 acres, including the two farms of Furze Hill (170A.), which belong to Admiral d'Eyncourt and Miss Hurdis.

The rest of the parish is the property of Lord Monson, the lord of the manor, impropriator, and patron of the Church (St. Michael), which has been considerably reduced from its original dimensions, and contains several monuments, one with a lengthy inscription in memory of the Tyrwhitt family, who were formerly proprietors of the parish"

DB 19 November 2020

Cammeringham, Saint Michael, church, image
Cammeringham, St Michael
Cammeringham, St Michael
Cammeringham, St Michael

"Cammeringham Grade II* listed Anglican church is dedicated to St Michael.

St Michael's is a remnant of a much larger church; arches from the earlier building are embedded into its aisle wall, and the west doorway has a pre-Conquest knotwork sill.

The graveyard holds ancient graves hollowed out of the rock.

Within the parish was the Praemonstratensian Cammeringham Priory, founded by Richard de Haya about 1160 as an alien cell to the Abbey of Blanchelande in Normandy.

The priory and its rights was sold in 1396 to the Cistercian Abbot of Hulton in Staffordshire" 

DB 19 November 2020

Cammeringham, Saint Michael, church, image
Cammeringham, St Michael
Cammeringham, St Michael
Cammeringham, St Michael

"C18 north wall of nave plain except for outline of one and a half large round headed C12 arcade bays, and red brick eaves.

Lower chancel with outline of blocked C14 bay and red brick eaves" 

DB 19 November 2020

Cammeringham, Saint Michael, church, image
Cammeringham, St Michael, East Window
Cammeringham, St Michael, East Window
Cammeringham, St Michael, East Window

The section of stained glass depicts Christ with the text’I am the Good Shepherd’. The panel below reads: To the Glory of God and as a thank/ offering for the victorious end/ of the war 1939-1945, this/ window was presented by/ Frederick Albone, (Churchwarden).

Jean Howard 23 July 2024

Cammeringham, Saint Michael, church, stained glass window
Cammeringham, St Michael, Font
Cammeringham, St Michael, Font
Cammeringham, St Michael, Font

The marble bowl of the font bears the text: E Donis F Howfoni Vic/ iA:D:1755. It is set on an octagonal painted 19th century pedestal.

Jean Howard 23 July 2024

Cammeringham, Saint Michael, church, font
Cammeringham, St Michael, Interior
Cammeringham, St Michael, Interior
Cammeringham, St Michael, Interior

Looking east.

The church was restored in 1950s which may have been when the screen, shown in a photo on the north wall, was removed.

Jean Howard 23 July 2024

Cammeringham, Saint Michael, church
Cammeringham, St Michael, Interior
Cammeringham, St Michael, Interior
Cammeringham, St Michael, Interior

Looking west.

The organ was restored in 2010 by David Jones, Organ Builder of Bassingham, which was made possible by the generosity of the Lockwood family. 

Jean Howard 23 July 2024

Cammeringham, Saint Michael, church
Cammeringham, St Michael, Memorial (Samuel Turner)
Cammeringham, St Michael, Memorial (Samuel Turner)
Cammeringham, St Michael, Memorial (Samuel Turner)

This tablet reads: Sacred/ to the Memory of/ SAMUEL TURNER,/ Late of BUSLINGTHORPE,/ in this COUNTY./ Also/ of ANN, his Wife/ who with two infant/ Children are interred/ near this place./ A.D. 1817. 

Samuel Turner appears to have owned land at Cammeringham, Buslingthorpe and Collingham.

Jean Howard 23 July 2024

Cammeringham, Saint Michael, church, samuel turner
Cammeringham, St Michael, North Arcade
Cammeringham, St Michael, North Arcade
Cammeringham, St Michael, North Arcade

The face of the north wall of the nave is cut away to reveal a pillar with remaining paint, supporting two round arches of a 12th century north arcade. 

Jean Howard 23 July 2024

Cammeringham, Saint Michael, church
Cammeringham, St Michael, Tyrwhitt Genealogy
Cammeringham, St Michael, Tyrwhitt Genealogy
Cammeringham, St Michael, Tyrwhitt Genealogy

Beginning with the symbol chi-rho, the text reads: THIS/ Monument is in Memorie/ of the most vertuous and religious/ Gentlewoman Mrs* Jane Tyrwhytt/ who was born in this Towne of Camringham/ ANNO DOM 1603, and She dyed in this Towne in/ December 1656. Her father Robert Tyrwhitt Esq./ was Lord of this Towne, who had Issue by his pious Wife Anne/ Bassett 8 Sons & 8 Daughters: Viz. Marmaduke, Robert, William/ Edmond, Francis, John, Thomas, Tristram; Elizabeth, Aletheia, Helen Dug-/ las, Ann, Jane, Marie & Ursula. Her Father dyed in December 1626. Her/ Mother dyed in December 1652, in the 88th Year of her Age. Marmaduke dyed in June/ who with his parents and this his Sister Jane are here by interred. He left three Sons and 2/ Daughters; his eldest Son Cecill Tyrwhit Esq is at present Lord of this Town. Robert ye 2d Sonne 2/ Robert was an emminent Servant to King Charles, He dyed in Hampton-Court-Pallace in Janu 1651/ and lyes in that Parish-Church under a Marble Monument. Edmund yet living was a Gentleman-Pensioner in/ Ordinary to the late King Charles. Francis dyed 1643 a Commander in the Warrs in Ireland & lyes Buried in Christ-/ Church in the City of Cork. Thomas Divine & Chaplain to the King. All the other Brothers died before their Parents./ Elizabeth married Sr Ferdinando Lee Knight, by whom She had one Son & 2 Daughters: She was a Lady of great Worth &/ Beauty; She dyed in the Isle of Man 1625. Her Daughter Elizabeth married first Francis Burdit Esq; then Sr John Kay, Kt./ & Baronett; by Both of them She hath divers Children now livinge: These Her two Husbands & her Father had their/ Births and Estates in the West-Rideing in York-shire. The Tyrwhyts are of great Antiquity in this County of LIN/ COLNE, they having Married into many great Families, (as may appear by the severall Quarterings in a Coat of/ Armes hereby annexed.) One Sir Robert Tyrwytt Knight & Bannerett was Vice-Admiral to King/ Henry the 7th. Another of them was Master of ye Horse to Queen Mary. The Bassetts also in their Gen-/ erations were of great Authority having been Barons, & allied to ye Crown & Companions/ of ye Order of the Garter, But this Mrs Jane Tyrwhitts chiefest Greatness was her Humi-/ litie, Chastity, Piety & Charity; for which She and her religious Mother were/ incomparable Patternes to their Sex./ In Memoria Aeterna erit Justus/ Hoc posuit huic familiae Amicissius./ 1657 

Jean Howard 23 July 2024

Cammeringham, Saint Michael, church, Tyrwhitt genealogy
Cammeringham, St Michael, Tyrwhitt Heraldry
Cammeringham, St Michael, Tyrwhitt Heraldry
Cammeringham, St Michael, Tyrwhitt Heraldry

The verse and the many quartered shield surely relate to Jane Tyrwhitt who died in 1657. The text reads: LOE HERE SHE SLEEPS IN SACRED DUST,/ UNTILL THE RISING OF THE JUST,/ UNTILL THE BRIDEGROM CALL AND SAY,/ A WAKE MY LOVE AND COME A WAY.

Jean Howard 23 July 2024

Cammeringham, Saint Michael, church, Tyrwhitt heraldry
Cammeringham, St Michael, Tyrwhitt Monument & Aumbry
Cammeringham, St Michael, Tyrwhitt Monument & Aumbry
Cammeringham, St Michael, Tyrwhitt Monument & Aumbry

The monument commemorates Jane Tyrwhitt who was born in 1603 and died in 1657. It is thought to be by the sculptor Edward Marshall. It shows her bust above surrounded by a swag of flowers.

Jean Howard 23 July 2024

Cammeringham, Saint Michael, church, Tyrwhitt Monument & Aumbry