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Hallington, Handgate
Hallington, Handgate
Hallington, Handgate

This gate leads pedestrians northwards from the grass verge alongside Louth Road, Hallington, into a pasture field and onto a footpath which is part of the Round Louth walk.

It is situated at TF 311858.  

Jean Howard, 6 May 2021

Hallington, Gate, Calders & Grandidge Ltd
Hallington, Handgate
Hallington, Handgate
Hallington, Handgate

This oval metal maker's plate on the gate bears raised letters that read CALDERS & GRANDIDGE LTD BOSTON.
The timber importing firm of Calders is thought to have been established c 1820. In 1945 Calders Ltd acquired James Grandidge Ltd and took the combined name in 1959.
Calders & Grandidge operated from Boston docks from 1896 but moved to a larger 30-acre site on London Road in the 1930s.
The premises have long been notable for the strong smell of creosote! 

Jean Howard, 6 May 2021

Hallington, Gate, Calders & Grandidge Ltd