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Photograph Galleries
Holbeach, Albert Street
Holbeach, Albert Street
Holbeach, Albert Street

Card posted in Spalding to an address near Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire on 1 January 1907.

Postcard by Valentine


Holbeach, All Saints National School
Holbeach, All Saints National School
Holbeach, All Saints National School

Located on Albert Street with the Baptist Chapel visible beyond.

"On the corner of Albert St and Victoria street stands a building that was All Saints National School. This was built in 1844 and was expressly for girls" 

Kelly's Directory 1905 has "All Saints' (girls), built in 1844, for 160 children; average attendance, 139; Miss Annie Ogden, mistress"

DB 5 May 2024

Holbeach, All Saints National School
Holbeach, All Saints
Holbeach, All Saints
Holbeach, All Saints

All Saints church in Holbeach is mainly in the Decorated style.

The recessed broach spire, with its four sets of lucarnes, has a total height of 180ft.

The north porch entrance is flanked by a pair of round towers, which seem out of place in a church.

Ken Redmore, 2010

Holbeach, All Saints, broach, spire,
Holbeach, All Saints
Holbeach, All Saints
Holbeach, All Saints

View of All Saints' Church from the north-east. The chancel windows have flowing tracery of the Decorated period.

undated posrcard

Holbeach, All Saints church
Holbeach, All Saints
Holbeach, All Saints
Holbeach, All Saints
Eighteenth-century painting of All Saints Church, artist unknown.
Holbeach, All Saints church
Holbeach, All Saints
Holbeach, All Saints
Holbeach, All Saints
An unused postcard from the 'Jay em Jay' Series, printed in Belgium
Holbeach, All Saints, Church
Holbeach, All Saints, Chancel
Holbeach, All Saints, Chancel
Holbeach, All Saints, Chancel

White's Directory of Lincolnshire 1856 states :-

"Holbeach Church (All Saints) stands in the heart of the town, and is a large Gothic fabric, with a tower, containing eight bells, and surmounted by a spire.

The north porch is flanked by two small circular towers with embattled parapets.

The windows were formerly rich in painted glass, and in the interior were many altars, tabernacles, &c., as appears by an inventory "of the stuffe" sold by the churchwardens, after the Reformation, in 1543, among the items of which we find, "Harod's coate, xviiid. ;" "all the Apostyl's coats and other raggs, viiis. iiiid ;" various tabernacles and images or saints, bells, candlesticks, &c., &c.

More superstitious ornaments were sold here, by order of Queen Elizabeth, in 1560.

In the north aisle is a monument and recumbent effigy of Sir Humphrey Littlebury, who resided at Penny Hall, and is supposed to have been slain in the wars of the roses.

In the churchyard is an inscription to Mary Middleton, who had "20 young teeth after 72 years old," and died in 1722, aged 76.

The vicarage, valued in K.B. at £20. 5s. 10d., and now at £702, is in the patronage of the Bishop of Lincoln, and incumbency of the Rev. James Morton, B.D,, who has a good Vicarage House, and about 17 acres of glebe.

The Ecclesiastical Commissioners are appropriators of the rectory.

The vicar's tithes were commuted in 1838, for £900 per annum.

The Church land is 9A. 3R. 10P"

DB 6 May 2018

Holbeach, All Saints, Church, Chancel
Holbeach, All Saints, Monument
Holbeach, All Saints, Monument
Holbeach, All Saints, Monument

The late 14th century monument to Sir Humphrey Littlebury in All Saints Church is thought to have been sculpted by Bristol craftsmen.

On the cresting of the recumbent figure's helmet is a head.

Ken Redmore, 2010

Holbeach, All Saints church, monument, Humphrey Littlebury,
Holbeach, All Saints, porch
Holbeach, All Saints, porch
Holbeach, All Saints, porch

The entrance porch on the north side of the church is framed by two round towers.

The entrance arch is 'delightfully lacy ogee-cusped and subcusped' (Pevsner)

Unused and undated postcard

Holbeach, All Saints, south doorway
Holbeach, All Saints, south doorway
Holbeach, All Saints, south doorway

The tall entrance arch above the south doorway is from the Decorated period.

Unused and undated postcard

Holbeach, church porch
Holbeach, All Saints, War Memorial
Holbeach, All Saints, War Memorial
Holbeach, All Saints, War Memorial

"Remember in the Lord those men of Holbeach who gave their lives for freedom in the Great War AD 1914 - 1918 ...

In whose memory their friends dedicate this Rood in honour of God incarnate AD 1919. R.I.P."

DB 6 May 2018

Holbeach, All Saints, Church, war memorial
Holbeach, Baptist Chapel
Holbeach, Baptist Chapel
Holbeach, Baptist Chapel

Baptist Chapel located on Albert Street.

An entry in Kelly's Directory 1905 reads "Baptist, Albert street, Rev. Thomas Burton Curry; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. 7 p.m"

DB 5 May 2024

Holbeach, Baptist Chapel Church
Holbeach, Baptist Chapel
Holbeach, Baptist Chapel
Holbeach, Baptist Chapel

Datestone above the main door.

DB 5 May 2024

Holbeach, Baptist Chapel Church
Holbeach, Baptist Chapel, Interior
Holbeach, Baptist Chapel, Interior
Holbeach, Baptist Chapel, Interior

View from the gallery. Flower festival in progress.

DB 5 May 2024

Holbeach, Baptist Chapel Church
Holbeach, Baptist Chapel, Interior
Holbeach, Baptist Chapel, Interior
Holbeach, Baptist Chapel, Interior

Looking back towards the gallery.

DB 5 May 2024

Holbeach, Baptist Chapel Church
Holbeach, Baptist Chapel, Memorial
Holbeach, Baptist Chapel, Memorial
Holbeach, Baptist Chapel, Memorial


DB 5 May 2024

Holbeach, Baptist Chapel Church, FRANCES SEELLS GOULDING
Holbeach, Barrington Gate
Holbeach, Barrington Gate
Holbeach, Barrington Gate

A scene at the edge of the town. The road surface is puzzling: is there a light covering of snow, even though trees are in full leaf?

Postcard published by Swain of Holbeach, posted from Holbeach to an address in Llandudno in July 1915.

Holbeach, Barrington gate
Holbeach, Barrington Gate
Holbeach, Barrington Gate
Holbeach, Barrington Gate
Unused postcard published by Chamberlin, stationers of Holbeach.
Holbeach, Barrington Gate, Chamberlin
Holbeach, Barrington Gate, Flour Mills
Holbeach, Barrington Gate, Flour Mills
Holbeach, Barrington Gate, Flour Mills

Whitworth Brothers flour mill. 

Listed in Kelly's Directory 1930 "Tindall Arth. West, miller, Barrington mills. T N 28"

"A W Tindall Ltd was bought by Garratt's in 1987, and the mill was later purchased by Whitworth Brothers in 2012" 

See also 

Grade II listed Flour Mills Lodge in the foreground left of center.

DB 30 November 2024

Holbeach, Flour Mill, Whitworth Brothers, Tindall, Garratt
Holbeach, Barrington Gate, Flour Mills Lodge
Holbeach, Barrington Gate, Flour Mills Lodge
Holbeach, Barrington Gate, Flour Mills Lodge

"Lodge. 1825, C20. Red brick with ashlar dressings" 

Whitworth Bros. Ltd. flour mill immediately adjacent. 

DB 30 November 2024

Holbeach, Flour Mills Lodge
Holbeach, Barrington House
Holbeach, Barrington House
Holbeach, Barrington House
Holbeach, Barrington House
Holbeach, Cemetery
Holbeach, Cemetery
Holbeach, Cemetery

The approach to the cemetery chapel was along the Fir Tree Avenue.

Cardr posted in Holbeach at 6pm on 7 November 1905 and addressed to Dinton near Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire .

from the Valentine Series

Holbeach, cemetery
Holbeach, Cemetery
Holbeach, Cemetery
Holbeach, Cemetery

An undated local postcard published by Chamberlin of Holbeach.

The fine cemetery chapel is visible in the background.

Holbeach, cemetery chapel
Holbeach, Cemetery Chapels
Holbeach, Cemetery Chapels
Holbeach, Cemetery Chapels

"Church of England and Non-Conformist Cemetery Chapels, now Eecumenical cemetery chapel and store-room. 1854"

"2 single storey chapels divided by tall pointed archway crowned with tower with 4 stage diagonal buttresses with upper gablets running into ornate corner pinnacles"

See also Holbeach Cemetery Chapels Trust :- 

Peter Kirk Collection, 3 April 1999

Holbeach, Cemetery, Chapels
Holbeach, Chancery Lane, Nos 1 & 3
Holbeach, Chancery Lane, Nos 1 & 3
Holbeach, Chancery Lane, Nos 1 & 3

"2 cottages. 1854, C20. Red brick ... Central 2 bays project slightly and are topped with pediment containing moulded oval plaque inscribed: 'JST 1854'" 

DB 30 November 2024

Holbeach, Chancery Lane
Holbeach, Chequers Hotel
Holbeach, Chequers Hotel
Holbeach, Chequers Hotel

Along the front of the building is the statement 'Commercial, Family & Posting Hotel'.

The name of the licensee immediately above the door is Morris Turner. According to Kelly's Lincolnshire trade directories he was at the hotel in 1909, he succeeded Charles Ernest Copeland (see 1905 directory) and was followed by William Stuart (1913 and 1919)

Unused postcard published by Chamberlin, Stationer of Holbeach.

Holbeach, Chequers Hotel, Chamberlin, Morris Turner, Charles Copeland, William Stuart
Holbeach, Church Street
Holbeach, Church Street
Holbeach, Church Street

An early twentieth-century view looking north along Church Street towards Market Hill.

The spire parish church of All Saints at the centre of the town is clearly visible.

The building on the right with three dormer windows is the Reading Room.

Undated postcard

Holbeach, Church Street
Holbeach, Church Street, Marker
Holbeach, Church Street, Marker
Holbeach, Church Street, Marker

Near OS Grid Ref: TF 358 246 close to the Reading Rooms.

DB 30 November 2024

Holbeach, Marker
Holbeach, Church Street, The Exchange
Holbeach, Church Street, The Exchange
Holbeach, Church Street, The Exchange

Former inn which closed in 2010 or 2011. Now a private house currently being offered for sale with a "Guide Price £700,000 to £750,000".

DB 30 November 2024

Holbeach, The Exchange Public House Inn
Holbeach, Damgate Mill
Holbeach, Damgate Mill
Holbeach, Damgate Mill

A tower mill built in 1816 and raised by two further storeys 50 years later.

It was worked by wind until 1928 and then by an oil engine until 1944.

The mill was demolished in nthe 1960s.

Jon Sass Collection, undated photograph

Holbeach, Damgate Mill, windmill, Jon Sass
Holbeach, Edinburgh Walk
Holbeach, Edinburgh Walk
Holbeach, Edinburgh Walk

Postcard posted in Fleet to an address in Bradford, 1909.

Chamberlin's Series, Holbeach

Holbeach, Chamberlin
Holbeach, Edinburgh Walk
Holbeach, Edinburgh Walk
Holbeach, Edinburgh Walk
postcard from Swain's Real Photo Series, unused and undated.
Holbeach, Swain, Edinburgh Walk
Holbeach, Fleet Road
Holbeach, Fleet Road
Holbeach, Fleet Road
undated postcard published by Chamberlin, Stationer, Holbeach
Holbeach, Chamberlin stationer
Holbeach, Gedney Corner
Holbeach, Gedney Corner
Holbeach, Gedney Corner

Card posted in Holbeach 8.30pm on 29 December 1905 to an address in March, Cambridgeshire.

Advertising for Fletcher & Sons of Long Sutton and Holbeach, drapers, grocers, clothiers & furnishers.

Postcard publised by E R Swain, printer and stationer, Holbeach

Holbeach, Fletcher & Sons, E R Swain
Holbeach, Hallgate
Holbeach, Hallgate
Holbeach, Hallgate
An early twentieth century postcard, unused and undated.
Holbeach, Hallgate
Holbeach, High Street
Holbeach, High Street
Holbeach, High Street

View along High Street before the First World War.

1909, David Robinson postcard collection

Holbeach, High Street
Holbeach, High Street
Holbeach, High Street
Holbeach, High Street

View of High Street from the 1950s or early 60s.

On the left is the newsagent and stationer, Claude Chapman, followed by the RAC and AA-listed Hotel, and then Freeman Hardy and Willis (shoe shop).

postcard from the Frith series

Holbeach, Frith, Claude Chapman
Holbeach, High Street
Holbeach, High Street
Holbeach, High Street

The extreme east end of High Street

Unused and undated postcard by unknown publisher

Holbeach, High Street
Holbeach, High Street
Holbeach, High Street
Holbeach, High Street

This is a view looking east.

On the left is Curtis and Son's Holbeach Teamart.

The card was posted in Holbeach ands addressed to Upper Clapton, London E5 in 1923.

Holbeach, Curtis, teamart
Holbeach, High Street
Holbeach, High Street
Holbeach, High Street

Looking west along the High Street.

Unused and undated postcard from Frith series

Holbeach, High Street, Frith
Holbeach, High Street
Holbeach, High Street
Holbeach, High Street

An unused postcard publoished by Jackson & Son of Grimsby and Bradford. It is from the 'Jay Em Jay' series.

Fletcher & Sons' ironmonger's store is on the right.

Holbeach, Fletcher, Jackson
Holbeach, High Street
Holbeach, High Street
Holbeach, High Street

An early twentieth century view with road sweeper in the foreground. Granite setts form the centre section of the roadway, with asphalted 'lanes' next to the pavements.

Unused and undated postcard published by E R Swain, stationer of Holbeach

Holbeach, High Street, street cleaner
Holbeach, High Street
Holbeach, High Street
Holbeach, High Street

There is no identifying caption (nor date, nor publisher) on this postcard but it thought to be the High Street in Holbeach.

The first shop on the right is M Pearson, Milliner, also agent for Pullar's Dye Works of Perth.

Holbeach, High Street, Pearson, Milliner, Pullar dyeworks Perth
Holbeach, High Street No. 21 Bell Hotel
Holbeach, High Street No. 21 Bell Hotel
Holbeach, High Street No. 21 Bell Hotel

Situated opposite All Saints Church. 

Listed in White's Directory of Lincolnshire 1856 "Bell, James Rippin, High street"

And in Kelly's Directory 1919 "Blackbourn Seth Ellis, wine & spirit merchant & agent for Whitbread's bottled beers, Bell inn, High street"

Now closed. 

DB 6 May 2018

Holbeach, Bell Hotel
Holbeach, High Street No. 45 Mansion House Hotel
Holbeach, High Street No. 45 Mansion House Hotel
Holbeach, High Street No. 45 Mansion House Hotel

The Mansion House in High Street, Holbeach, is thought to date from 1681, though built in Queen Anne style.

Sir Norman Angell, Nobel Peace Prize winner, was born here in 1872.

The building has recently been restored for use as a hotel and bistro bar.

Ken Redmore, 2011 

Holbeach, Norman, Angell, Mansion House, Nobel Peace Prize,
Holbeach, High Street No. 45 Mansion House Hotel
Holbeach, High Street No. 45 Mansion House Hotel
Holbeach, High Street No. 45 Mansion House Hotel

Norman Angell (1872-1967), winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1933, was born in the Mansion House at Holbeach. This blue plaque is mounted there.

He was an author, lecturer, journalist and energetic pacifist.

At one time MP for Bradford North, he served on the Executive Committee of the League of Nations after the First World War.

Ken Redmore, 2011

Holbeach, Norman Angell, blue plaque. Mansion House
Holbeach, High Street No. 45 Mansion House Hotel
Holbeach, High Street No. 45 Mansion House Hotel
Holbeach, High Street No. 45 Mansion House Hotel

"House, now restaurant. Early C18 ...

Blue plaque to right of doorway gives the information that Sir Norman Angell, author and lecturer, (1872-1967) and winner of the 1933 Nobel Peace Prize, was born here" 

DB 6 May 2018

Holbeach, Mansion House Hotel
Holbeach, High Street No. 61
Holbeach, High Street No. 61
Holbeach, High Street No. 61

"House, now offices. 1786, late C19, C20" 

Listed as Halifax Building Society (formerly listed as Midland 30.6.66 Bank) but now appears to be Calthrops Solicitors.

DB 6 May 2018

Holbeach, High Street, House
Holbeach, High Street No. 65 Horse & Groom
Holbeach, High Street No. 65 Horse & Groom
Holbeach, High Street No. 65 Horse & Groom

White's Directory of Lincolnshire 1856 has a listing "Horse & Groom, Wm. Motley".

The pub's own website states that "The Horse and Groom is a centuries old Coaching Inn. The premises appear to have been built in the early 1800s" 

DB 6 May 2018

Holbeach, Horse & Groom, Public House
Holbeach, High Street Nos. 71-77 (odd)
Holbeach, High Street Nos. 71-77 (odd)
Holbeach, High Street Nos. 71-77 (odd)

Part of a "Terrace of 4 houses. c.1840" 

Carriage archway to left side of image.

DB 6 May 2018

Holbeach, High Street, Terrace, Houses
Holbeach, High Street, Milestone
Holbeach, High Street, Milestone
Holbeach, High Street, Milestone

An unusual survival of the turnpike period is this eighteenth century milestone outside the parish church in High Street, Holbeach.

Ken Redmore, 2010

Holbeach, milestone,
Holbeach, High Street, Telephone Kiosk
Holbeach, High Street, Telephone Kiosk
Holbeach, High Street, Telephone Kiosk

"Telephone kiosk. Type K6. Designed 1935 by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott" 

Located next to All Saints Churchyard Wall. 

DB 30 November 2024

Holbeach, K6 Telephone Kiosk
Holbeach, Malten Lane
Holbeach, Malten Lane
Holbeach, Malten Lane

Postcard posted in Grimsby and sent to Sheffield, 5 January  1907.

Jay em Jay Series

Holbeach, Malten Lane
Holbeach, Market Hill
Holbeach, Market Hill
Holbeach, Market Hill

View from Market Hill looking towards West End.

An AA patrolman is directing traffic it appears.

1947, David Robinson postcard collection

Holbeach, Market Hill, West End
Holbeach, Methodist Church
Holbeach, Methodist Church
Holbeach, Methodist Church


"A Wesleyan Reform chapel, in Albert Street, was opened on the 1.2.1854 and transferred to the United Methodist Church in 1876. A new organ was inaugurated on the 22.5.1971. The chapel was demolished in 1985 when it became unsafe and a new chapel built on the same site ...

A new church was built in 1986 on the site of the old Albert Street UM chapel. It is still in use with a membership of 107" 

DB 30 November 2024

Holbeach, Methodist Church
Holbeach, Methodist Church
Holbeach, Methodist Church
Holbeach, Methodist Church


DB 30 November 2024

Holbeach, Methodist Church
Holbeach, Penny Hill Mill
Holbeach, Penny Hill Mill
Holbeach, Penny Hill Mill

Pre-war photograph of Penny Hill Mill.

Jon Sass Collection, undated photograph 

Holbeach, Penny Hill Mill, windmill, Jon Sass
Holbeach, Penny Hill Mill (1)
Holbeach, Penny Hill Mill (1)
Holbeach, Penny Hill Mill (1)

A mill built in 1827 on the site of a smock mill.

As part of refurbished in 1877 the tower was raised by one storey.

Jon Sass Collection, photograph by Rex Wailes, undated

Holbeach, Penny Hill Mill, windmill, Jon Sass, Rex Wailes
Holbeach, Penny Hill Mill (2)
Holbeach, Penny Hill Mill (2)
Holbeach, Penny Hill Mill (2)

Penny Hill Mill was worked by wind until the 1940s and was abandoned some ten years later.

It is a Grade II listed building.

Location of mill: TF 358 267

Peter Kirk Collection, 1999

Holbeach, Penny Hill Mill, windmill, Peter Kirk
Holbeach, Post Office
Holbeach, Post Office
Holbeach, Post Office

Former Sorting Office on Barrington Gate which seems to have closed around 2012.

Now Plush Hair & Beauty Salon.

DB 30 November 2024

Holbeach, Sorting Post Office
Holbeach, RAF Holbeach, Observation Tower
Holbeach, RAF Holbeach, Observation Tower
Holbeach, RAF Holbeach, Observation Tower

The RAF Holbeach bombing range opened in 1926. It includes this observation tower for recording performance.

RAF and NATO aircraft use the range for dropping bombs and firing cannon.

Targets include old trawlers beached on the mudflats of the Wash.

Ken Redmore, 2010

Holbeach, RAF Holbeach, Observation Tower, bombing range,
Holbeach, Reading Rooms
Holbeach, Reading Rooms
Holbeach, Reading Rooms

"Originally built as a school in 1870, William Snarey donated it to the town in 1901 and is run by the Trustees as a community centre" 

DB 30 November 2024

Holbeach, Reading Rooms, school, William Snarey
Holbeach, Royal Observer Corps Bunker
Holbeach, Royal Observer Corps Bunker
Holbeach, Royal Observer Corps Bunker

During the Cold War period a network of Royal Observer Corps bunkers was created covering the country.

Most, like this one near Holbeach, were in isolated locations with telephone links to regional bases. (The HQ for Lincolnshire was at Fiskerton).

They were manned at all times by ROC volunteers and were equipped to detect attacks by nuclear weapons.

Ken Redmore, 2010

Holbeach, Royal Observer Corps bunker, cold war, Fiskerton,
Holbeach, Spalding Road
Holbeach, Spalding Road
Holbeach, Spalding Road

View of Spalding Road - a quiet steet with a few figures casually standing in the road.

unused and undated postcard published by E R Swain of Holbeach and printed in Germany.

Holbeach, Spalding Road, E R Swain
Holbeach, Spalding Road, No's 2&4
Holbeach, Spalding Road, No's 2&4
Holbeach, Spalding Road, No's 2&4

2 houses, now offices. c.1800. Red brick" 

DB 30 November 2024

Holbeach, Spalding Road, No's 2&4
Holbeach, Spalding Road, Red Lion
Holbeach, Spalding Road, Red Lion
Holbeach, Spalding Road, Red Lion

"House, now public house. Mid C18, heightened in C20" 

Listed in White's Directory 1872 "Red Lion, Mrs E. Munton, West end" and in Kelly's Directory 1930 "Red Lion, Harry Sparrow, West end, Holbeach".

DB 30 November 2024

Holbeach, Red Lion Public House
Holbeach, Stukeley Road
Holbeach, Stukeley Road
Holbeach, Stukeley Road

A very modest street named after Holbeach's most famous son, William Stukeley,

Unused postcard; 'photo Thompson' overprinted in bottom right corner and with misspelt caption!.

Holbeach, Stukeley William
Holbeach, Town Band
Holbeach, Town Band
Holbeach, Town Band

Back Lane headquarters of the Town Band which was founded in 1971. 

DB 30 November 2024

Holbeach, Town Band
Holbeach, Vicarage
Holbeach, Vicarage
Holbeach, Vicarage

Old Vicarage located on Church Walk.

White's Directory 1872 notes "The benefice is a vicarage, valued in K.B. at £20. 5s. 10d. ; there are now 17A. of glebe, and the tithes were commuted in 1838 for £900, It is in the patronage of the Bishop of Lincoln, and incumbency of the Rev. Fielder Hemmans, M.A., who has a good vicarage house".

DB 30 November 2024

Holbeach, Vicarage
Holbeach, Vicarage
Holbeach, Vicarage
Holbeach, Vicarage

Current Vicarage located on Church Street. 

DB 30 November 2024

Holbeach, Vicarage
Holbeach, War Memorial
Holbeach, War Memorial
Holbeach, War Memorial

War memorial, in the form of a wheel cross, standing next to All Saints Church.

"To the glory of God and in grateful memory of the men of this town who laid down their lives in the Great War 1914 - 1918. Their names are inscribed on a tablet in the church"

DB 6 May 2018

Holbeach, War Memorial
Holbeach, West End
Holbeach, West End
Holbeach, West End

Early view of West End.

1905, David Robinson postcard collection  

Holbeach, West End
Holbeach, West End
Holbeach, West End
Holbeach, West End

The shop on the rightadvertises 'Richardson for Tiled Stoves, Chimney Pieces, Ranges and Bedsteads'.

Outside the shop is a large collection of spades and shovels; inside can be seen several hanging oil lamps.

Card addressed to Diss but neither stamped nor posted.

Holbeach, Richardson
Holbeach, West End
Holbeach, West End
Holbeach, West End

Both sides of the street are lined with shops.

Unused and undated postcard by Chamberlin, stationer of Holbeach

Holbeach, West End, Chamberlin
Holbeach, West End, Bank House
Holbeach, West End, Bank House
Holbeach, West End, Bank House

"House, at sometime a bank. Mid C18, refronted and heightened c.1830, C20." 

DB 30 November 2024

Holbeach, Bank House
Holbeach, West End, Crown Hotel
Holbeach, West End, Crown Hotel
Holbeach, West End, Crown Hotel

"Hotel. Early C18, mid C19, C20"

Listed in Kelly's Directory 1930 "Crown inn, A. Tom Barron, West end, Holbeach".

DB 30 November 2024

Holbeach, Crown Hotel, Inn
Holbeach, West End, Crown Hotel
Holbeach, West End, Crown Hotel
Holbeach, West End, Crown Hotel

A second view of the Crown Hotel taken from Back Lane.

White's Directory 1872 has "Crown, George Bemrose, West end".

DB 30 November 2024

Holbeach, Crown Hotel