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Langtoft, St Michael
Langtoft, St Michael
Langtoft, St Michael

The tall ashlar tower (offset to the north) is 13th century work in its lower stages, and 14th century above.

To its right, facing west, is the huge five-light 15th century nave window.

September 2014

Langtoft, St Michael church
Langtoft, St Michael
Langtoft, St Michael
Langtoft, St Michael

With its high nave, large 14th and 15th century windows and its tall steeple, St Michael's is an impressive sight.

Inside, the arcades, chancel and chapel provide fine examples of 13th and 14th century architecture.

September 2014

Langtoft, St Michael church
Langtoft, St Michael, corbel
Langtoft, St Michael, corbel
Langtoft, St Michael, corbel

Wooden corbel supporting principal rafter on north side of nave.

September 2014

Langtoft, St Michael church, corbel
Langtoft, St Michael, piscina
Langtoft, St Michael, piscina
Langtoft, St Michael, piscina

The 14th century chancel piscina has a crocketed gable with above, a figure surrounded by leaves.

September 2014

Langtoft, St Michael church, piscina
Langtoft, St Michael, porch
Langtoft, St Michael, porch
Langtoft, St Michael, porch

The elegant porch at St Michael's - it's doorway flanked by Doric pilasters - is an 18th century addition.

September 2014

Langtoft, St Michael church, porch
Langtoft, St&nbspMichael, Nave
Langtoft, St Michael, Nave
Langtoft, St Michael, Nave

A view of the nave looking towards the chancel with its C13 arch.

Mark Acton, 2013 
