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Lincoln Pubs and Hotels
Lincoln, Barbican Hotel, St Mary's Street
Lincoln, Barbican Hotel, St Mary's Street
Lincoln, Barbican Hotel, St Mary's Street

Originally a gentleman's club dating from 1867. 

It later became the Albion Hotel, was renamed the Barbican in the 1980s and has been standing empty since 2008. 

The entry for the Directory of the City of Lincoln 1897 published by JW Ruddock reads :-

"11 Albion Hotel and Club - Miss Helen Bass

Lincoln Club - W. Manby, secretary"

Directly opposite to the Great Northern Railway (Lincoln Central) Station.

DB 20 December 2018

Lincoln, Barbican Hotel, Albion Hotel, Club, St Mary's Street
Lincoln, Black Swan, High Street
Lincoln, Black Swan, High Street
Lincoln, Black Swan, High Street

Former Black Swan public house now in retail use by Holland & Barratt  health food shop.

Listed in the City of Lincoln Directory 1857 published by Charles Akrill :-

"Codd, William George, Black Swan, 319, High-street"

DB 4 February 2019

Lincoln, Black Swan, Public House, High Street
Lincoln, Bull & Chain Inn
Lincoln, Bull & Chain Inn
Lincoln, Bull & Chain Inn

Former Bull & Chain Inn still sporting an advertisement for "HALL'S ELY ALES".

Ruddock's Directory of the City of Lincoln 1919 has an entry " Bull and Chain Inn Smith, Arthur Wm."

Also Akrill's Directory 1857 "Tawlkes, William, Bull and Chain, 5, Langworth-gate".

DB 7 August 2020 

Lincoln, Bull & Chain Inn, Public House, HALL'S ELY ALES, image
Lincoln, Bull's Head Inn
Lincoln, Bull's Head Inn
Lincoln, Bull's Head Inn

The Bull's Head, at east end of Silver Street at junction with Clasketgate and Broadgate.

James Hole & Co (Newark) owned the pub; they employed Otter & Co. to construct conveniences in 1916.

Undated photograph

Pubs and Hotels, Bull's Head, Silver Street
Lincoln, Cardinal's Hat Inn, High Street
Lincoln, Cardinal's Hat Inn, High Street
Lincoln, Cardinal's Hat Inn, High Street

"This building was formerly the Cardinal's Hat Inn, and had a courtyard layout"

"Late C15, restored 1952" 

Now once again being used as as an Inn. 

DB 15 August 2019 

Lincoln, Cardinal's Hat Inn, High Street
Lincoln, Cardinal's Hat Inn, High Street
Lincoln, Cardinal's Hat Inn, High Street
Lincoln, Cardinal's Hat Inn, High Street


RESTORED 1952-3"

DB 15 August 2019

Lincoln, Cardinal's Hat Inn, High Street
Lincoln, Castle Hill Club
Lincoln, Castle Hill Club
Lincoln, Castle Hill Club

"House, now a club. Mid C18, with C19 alterations".  

Formerly the Black Boy Inn.

Listed in Akrill, Ruddock & Keyworth's Directory 1894 "Black Boy Inn-John Kirk"

"When the pub closed in 1923, eleven former regulars got together, founded the Castle Hill Club" 

DB 14 May 2018

Lincoln, Castle Hill Club, Black Boy Inn
Lincoln, Dog & Bone (Spa Tavern), John Street
Lincoln, Dog & Bone (Spa Tavern), John Street
Lincoln, Dog & Bone (Spa Tavern), John Street

"This award winning back street pub is definitely worth finding. It epitomises all that is good about a British pub.

At the back of the pub there is a beautiful beer garden - an oasis within the city"  

Listed as the Spa Tavern in Ruddocks Directory of the City of Lincoln 1894 :-

"10 Spa Tavern-William Slight" 

and in 1919 :-

"10 Spa Tavern Hadwick, F." 

DB 1 August 2019

Lincoln, Dog & Bone, Spa Tavern, Public House
Lincoln, Duke of Wellington, Broadgate
Lincoln, Duke of Wellington, Broadgate
Lincoln, Duke of Wellington, Broadgate

Duke of Wellington, 37 Broadgate rebuilt in the 1930s. 

Photographed shortly before closure.

DB 19 May 2011 

Lincoln, Duke of Wellington, Public House, Broadgate
Lincoln, Duke William Hotel, Bailgate
Lincoln, Duke William Hotel, Bailgate
Lincoln, Duke William Hotel, Bailgate

Listed in the City of Lincoln Directory 1857 published by Charles Akrill :-

"Shaw, Robert, Duke William, 44, Bailgate"

Pictured during the Lincoln Christmas Market with Christmas Ale being sold outside. 

DB 6 December 2018

Lincoln, Duke William, Bailgate, public house, hotel
Lincoln, Duke William Hotel, Bailgate
Lincoln, Duke William Hotel, Bailgate
Lincoln, Duke William Hotel, Bailgate

Explanatory sign displayed on the outside of the hotel.

DB 6 December 2018

Lincoln, Duke William, Bailgate, public house, hotel
Lincoln, Eastgate Hotel
Lincoln, Eastgate Hotel
Lincoln, Eastgate Hotel

A 1960's hotel directly opposite to the Cathedral. Now renamed as The Lincoln Hotel.

The Roman city wall would have run directly through where the hotel now stands. Remains of the north tower of the Roman east gate are preserved immediately in front.

Eastgate House stood on this site and part of the house seems to have been preserved on the west side of the hotel (once the home of Alfred Shuttleworth, D.L., J.P. a prominent local industrialist, Chairman of Clayton and Shuttleworth).

DB 7 August 2020

The Lincoln, Eastgate Hotel, Alfred Shuttleworth
Lincoln, Falstaff Inn
Lincoln, Falstaff Inn
Lincoln, Falstaff Inn

Shakespearean references at the Falstaff Inn, sometimes known as the Sir John Falstaff.

It  was sited at 270 High Street near the junction with Grantham Street, and closed in the 1990s.

undated photograph

Pubs and Hotels, Falstaff Inn
Lincoln, Flying Horse Inn
Lincoln, Flying Horse Inn
Lincoln, Flying Horse Inn

The Flying Horse, at 247 High Street, at junction with Clasketgate, was an early closure, in 1894, sold to Lincoln Corporation and demolished to make way for a road widening scheme.

It had a reputation as a "tough" house!

undated photograph

Pubs and Hotels, Flying Horse
Lincoln, Gatehouse Inn
Lincoln, Gatehouse Inn
Lincoln, Gatehouse Inn

There is an entry in Kelly's Directory 1930 "Gate House hotel, Mrs. Mary A. Brown, Newark rd. Lincoln".

No entry in the 1919 directory. 

Does it get its name from proximity to a former gate lodge associated with Bracebridge Hall?

DB 14 May 2018

Lincoln, Gatehouse Inn
Lincoln, Golden Cross Inn, High Street
Lincoln, Golden Cross Inn, High Street
Lincoln, Golden Cross Inn, High Street

Listed in the Directory of the City of Lincoln 1919 published by JW Ruddock & Sons :-

"Goodrick, W., Golden Cross Inn, 434 High-street"

also in 1897

"Cox, Jesse, Golden Cross Hotel, 434, High-street"

Presumably rebuilt on same site as the present building dates from 1959.

A favourite with Lincoln City football supporters due to its location very close to Sincil Bank stadium.

DB 28 January 2019

Lincoln, Golden Cross Inn, High Street, Public House
Lincoln, Golden Eagle
Lincoln, Golden Eagle
Lincoln, Golden Eagle

Listed in Akrill's Directory of the City of Lincoln 1857 " Presgraves, Edward, Golden Eagle, 16, High-street".

Listed in Kelly's Directory 1885 "Golden Eagle, Charles Sorsden, 15 High street, Lincoln".

And in 1919 "Brumpton Charles, Golden Eagle P.H. 21 High street"

And in 1930 "Golden Eagle, Wm. Jackson, 21 High st. Lincoln" 

"The Golden Eagle has been an established hostelry since the early 1700's and has become a gem of a pub on Lincoln's lengthy high street". 

DB 12 February 2019

Lincoln, Golden Eagle, public house, image
Lincoln, Green Dragon
Lincoln, Green Dragon
Lincoln, Green Dragon
The view from Waterside South just to the west of High Street places the Green Dragon centre stage. This is a genuine timber-framed building, dating from the sixteenth century.
Chris Lester 1971
Pubs and Hotels,
Lincoln, Green Dragon, Waterside North
Lincoln, Green Dragon, Waterside North
Lincoln, Green Dragon, Waterside North
Standing at the corner of Broadgate and Waterside North, this timber-framed inn was restored in the 1957.
Lincoln, Green Dragon, Public House, Inn
Lincoln, Green Dragon, Waterside North
Lincoln, Green Dragon, Waterside North
Lincoln, Green Dragon, Waterside North

"Public house. C16, restored and with additions, 1959" 

Listed in Akrill's Directory of the City of Lincoln 1857 "Budd, James, Green Dragon, 30, Waterside, North".

DB 4 February 2019

Lincoln, Green Dragon, Waterside North
Lincoln, Green Dragon, Waterside North
Lincoln, Green Dragon, Waterside North
Lincoln, Green Dragon, Waterside North

Plaque recalling the 1956 restoration by Warwicks & Richardsons Ltd. 

DB 7 February 2019

Lincoln, Green Dragon, Waterside North, Warwicks & Richardsons Ltd
Lincoln, Heneage Arms
Lincoln, Heneage Arms
Lincoln, Heneage Arms

The Heneage Arms was at 8 Croft Street (at the junction with Sparrow Lane), opened as a beerhouse in 1867, and sold to Mowbrays of Grantham in 1905 when they bought Dawber's brewery in Lincoln.

A full pub licence was obtained as late as 1954; the pub closed in 1971.

undated photograph

Pubs and Hotels, Heneage Arms
Lincoln, King's Arms Hotel
Lincoln, King's Arms Hotel
Lincoln, King's Arms Hotel

The King's Arms, at Theatre Yard, 278 High Street, dated back to around 1718; there was a cockpit here at one time.

Looking very dingy in this photograph, it closed under compensation in 1926 when Soulby's of Alford were the owners.

undated photograph

Pubs and Hotels, King's Arms, Soulby Alford, cockpit
Lincoln, Lincoln Imp, Blankney Crescent
Lincoln, Lincoln Imp, Blankney Crescent
Lincoln, Lincoln Imp, Blankney Crescent

Lincoln Imp public house opened in 1957.

Relaunched earlier this year it suddenly closed in November. 

DB 13 December 2018

Lincoln, Blankney Crescent, Lincoln Imp, Public House
Lincoln, Lincoln Imp, Blankney Crescent
Lincoln, Lincoln Imp, Blankney Crescent
Lincoln, Lincoln Imp, Blankney Crescent

Lincoln Imp pub sign is an iconic sight for anyone travelling along Riseholme Road into or out of Lincoln.

Taken to London for the Lincoln City FA Cup quarter-final against Arsenal in 2017 when the Lincoln Imp pub was recreated in London. 

DB 13 December 2018 

Lincoln, Lincoln Imp, Public House, Blankney Crescent
Lincoln, Lion & Snake
Lincoln, Lion & Snake
Lincoln, Lion & Snake

"Public house. Late C16, with mid C19 additions and alterations" 

The three towers of Lincoln Cathedral visible in the background. 

DB 7 June 2018

Lincoln, Lion & Snake Public House
Lincoln, Marquis of Granby Inn
Lincoln, Marquis of Granby Inn
Lincoln, Marquis of Granby Inn

The Marquis of Granby, at 12 Butchery Street (Clasketgate) dated back to around 1794.

It was closed under compensation in 1914, when the brewers were Salt & Co of Burton on Trent.

undated photograph

Pubs and Hotels, Marquis of Granby, Burchery Street, Salt & Co
Lincoln, Millers' Arms
Lincoln, Millers' Arms
Lincoln, Millers' Arms

Listed in Kelly's Directort 1885 "Millers' Arms, Mrs. Ann Tatton, 86 High street, Lincoln"

And in 1930 "Millers' Arms, Jn. Irving, 818 High st Lincoln".

DB 12 February 2019

Lincoln, Millers Arms, public house, image
Lincoln, Morning Star, Greetwell Gate
Lincoln, Morning Star, Greetwell Gate
Lincoln, Morning Star, Greetwell Gate

"the Morning Star pub is steeped in history, dating back to 1791 when it was commonly known as the Fighting Cocks public house.

In 1841, after 50 years, and a change of name, the Morning Star was born" 

John Smith, who was born on the premises, was landlord from 1955 to 1990 in succession to his father. 

DB 20 June 2019

Lincoln, Morning Star, Greetwell Gate
Lincoln, Morning Star, Greetwell Gate
Lincoln, Morning Star, Greetwell Gate
Lincoln, Morning Star, Greetwell Gate

Detail of signboard showing Lincoln Cathedral in profile with Venus (the morning star).

DB 20 June 2019

Lincoln, Morning Star, Greetwell Gate
Lincoln, Oddfellows Arms Inn
Lincoln, Oddfellows Arms Inn
Lincoln, Oddfellows Arms Inn

The Oddfellows Arms was at 19 Carholme Road on the corner with Gas Street, quite an old pub with an ale licence by 1784 and later a beerhouse.

The house was upgraded to a full licence in 1953 and closed some time afterwards.

It was sold to Mowbrays of Grantham in 1905 as part of the pub estate of Dawbers of Lincoln.

undated photograph

Pubs and Hotels, Oddfellows Arms, Mowbray, Dawber
Lincoln, Old School
Lincoln, Old School
Lincoln, Old School

This building, now the Castle Hotel on Westgate, was erected in 1851-52 by W A Nicholson as the North District National Schools.

October 2017 

Castle Hotel, Lincoln, North District national School
Lincoln, Peacock Inn
Lincoln, Peacock Inn
Lincoln, Peacock Inn

Listed in Kelly's Directory 1919 "Peacock, John W. Wilson, Wragby road, Lincoln"

And in 1896 "Peacock, Martin Rush, Wragby road, Lincoln"

No entry in the 1885 directory. 

DB 5 March 2018

Lincoln, Peacock Inn, public house, image
Lincoln, Plough Boy
Lincoln, Plough Boy
Lincoln, Plough Boy

Listed in Kelly's Directory 1919 "Plough Boy, Charles Dowse, 60 Burton road, Lincoln"

and in 1885 "Plough Boy, Paul Wattam, jun. 62 Burton road, Lincoln"

Also in White's Directory 1872 "Wattam Paul, shopkpr. & v. Plough Boy, 52 Burton rd"

DB 16 September 2019

Lincoln, Plough Boy, public house
Lincoln, Prince of Wales Inn
Lincoln, Prince of Wales Inn
Lincoln, Prince of Wales Inn

Listed in Pigot's Directory 1841 "Prince of Wales. John Johnson, Bail gate" 

And in White's Directory 1856 "Prince of Wales, John Thompson, 77 Bailgate"

And in Kelly's Directory 1919 "Hague Frederick, Prince of Wales P.H; 77 Bailgate". 

DB 26 August 2019

Lincoln, Prince of Wales Inn, public house, image
Lincoln, Queen Hotel, High Street
Lincoln, Queen Hotel, High Street
Lincoln, Queen Hotel, High Street

Premises now occupied by HMV and was previously a pizza restaurant.

Troubled HMV was saved from administration the day after this photo on 5th February thanks to a buy out by Canadian music retailer Sunrise Records. 

Listed in the City of Lincoln Directory 1857 published by Charles Akrill :-

"Edwards, William, The Queen, 323, High-street"

DB 4 February 2019 

Lincoln, Queen Hotel, High Street, HMV
Lincoln, Reindeer Hotel, High Street
Lincoln, Reindeer Hotel, High Street
Lincoln, Reindeer Hotel, High Street

Listed in the Directory of the City of Lincoln 1919 published by JW Ruddock & Sons :-

"Fairweather, Mrs. E., Reindeer Hotel, 8 High-street"

and in the 1894 Directory printed by Akrill, Ruddock & Keyworth :-

"Black, Mrs. Mary Ann, Reindeer Hotel, 8, High-street"

and in the 1857 Directory published by Charles Akrill :-

"Wilkinson, Charles, Reindeer, 4, High-street" 

Now closed. 

DB 4 February 2019

Lincoln, Reindeer Hotel, High Street
Lincoln, Saracen's Head Hotel
Lincoln, Saracen's Head Hotel
Lincoln, Saracen's Head Hotel
Advert for the Saracen's Head Hotel appearing in Kelly's Directory of Lincolnshire 1885.
Lincoln, Saracen's Head Hotel
Lincoln, Saracen's Head Hotel
Lincoln, Saracen's Head Hotel
Lincoln, Saracen's Head Hotel

Site of Saracen's Head Hotel now occupied by a number of retail units.

"Former public house, now 3 shops. Early C19, with mid C20 alterations" 

The Stonebow visible, in the background, on the left hand side of this image with flag flying.

DB 27 June 2019 


Lincoln, Saracen's Head Hotel
Lincoln, Saracen's Head Hotel
Lincoln, Saracen's Head Hotel
Lincoln, Saracen's Head Hotel

Wall plaque next to the site of the Saracen's Head Hotel.

DB 27 June 2019 

Lincoln, Saracen's Head Hotel
Lincoln, Shakespeare Inn, High Street
Lincoln, Shakespeare Inn, High Street
Lincoln, Shakespeare Inn, High Street

Listed in the Directory of the City of Lincoln 1919 published by JW Ruddock & Sons :-

"Belcher, F., Shakespeare Hotel, 40 High street"

and in the 1894 Directory printed by Akrill, Ruddock & Keyworth :-

"Harrop, Wm. Godwin, Shakespeare Inn, 40, High-street"

and the 1857 Directory published by Charles Akrill :-

"Goddard, Mary, Shakspeare, 31, High-street" 

DB 4 February 2019

Lincoln, Shakespeare Inn, High Street, Public House
Lincoln, Strugglers Inn
Lincoln, Strugglers Inn
Lincoln, Strugglers Inn

Listed in Akrill's Directory 1857 "Ball, Mary Ann, the Struggler Beer-shop, 19, Westgate"

And in Akrill, Ruddock & Keyworth's Directory 1894 "Thorndyke, G., The Struggler Inn, 15-16, Westgate"

The name is a reference to the public hangings which used to take place nearby at Lincoln Castle.

DB 6 July 2015

Lincoln, Strugglers Inn, public house, image
Lincoln, Strugglers Inn
Lincoln, Strugglers Inn
Lincoln, Strugglers Inn

Inn sign reflecting the public executions which used to take place from Cobb Hall located on the castle walls nearby.

White's Directory 1856 states "Cobb's Hall, the upper part of which was restored about 20 years ago, and fitted up with a drop for the public execution of criminals. "It is a very curious building of the style of the 14th century, containing two stories of dungeons, vaulted with pointed arches, and furnished with iron rings to chain prisoners to". 

DB 8 August 2019

Lincoln, Strugglers Inn, public house, image
Lincoln, The Victoria
Lincoln, The Victoria
Lincoln, The Victoria

Located adjacent to the castle's west gate and formerly known as the Cross Keys Inn.

Listed in Kelly's Directory 1919 "Cross Keys, Martin Staunton, 10 Union road, Lincoln"

Listed in Akrill's Directory of the City of Lincoln 1857 as a beer retailer "Barratt, Robert, Cross Keys, 10, Union-road". 

Noted for its selection of cask ales. 

DB 7 August 2020

Lincoln, The Victoria, public house, image, cross keys inn
Lincoln, Treaty of Commerce
Lincoln, Treaty of Commerce
Lincoln, Treaty of Commerce

Listed in Kelly's Directory 1885 "Treaty of Commerce, George Chambers, 173 High street, Lincoln".

DB 18 October 2018

Lincoln, Treaty of Commerce, Public House
Lincoln, Turks Head
Lincoln, Turks Head
Lincoln, Turks Head

Former Turks Head public house which closed in 2009(?).

Listed in Akrill's Directory 1857 "Wilson, Samuel, Turk's Head, 9, Newport". 

And in Akrill, Ruddock & Keyworth's Directory 1894 "Hagues, Mrs. C. J., Turk's Head Inn, Newport"

DB 6 July 2015

Lincoln, Turks Head, public house, image
Lincoln, White Horse Inn
Lincoln, White Horse Inn
Lincoln, White Horse Inn

Now a pub with a thriving live music scene, the Tap & Spile in Hungate will be unrecognisable to regulars in this view.

Known for many years as the White Horse, it dates back to at least 1794.

It was completely rebuilt in 1921 by its owners at the time, Hall, Cutlack and Harlock of Ely, whose Ely Ales are prominently advertised in this view prior to reconstruction.

Hall's were bought by Steward & Patteson of Norwich in 1957, later to join the Watney empire.

undated photograph

Pubs and Hotels, White Horse Inn, Hall, Cutlack and Harlock, Steward & Patteson, Watney
Lincoln, White Horse Inn
Lincoln, White Horse Inn
Lincoln, White Horse Inn

White Horse Inn after reconstruction and more recently renamed as the Tap & Spile.

Reported in the Lincolnite 29 October 2019 that "A pub in Lincoln popular for its live music has suddenly closed its doors for a second time.

Managers from The Tap & Spile on Hungate told customers that the pub would close at short notice on Monday, October 28.

The pub closed last year, before re-opening again in February".

DB 21 December 2019 

Lincoln, White Horse Inn, Public House
Lincoln, Witch & Wardrobe, Waterside North
Lincoln, Witch & Wardrobe, Waterside North
Lincoln, Witch & Wardrobe, Waterside North

"House, now a public house. Early C16, with C17 additions and early and mid C19 alterations. Restored late C20" 

DB 7 February 2019

Lincoln, Witch & Wardrobe, public house, waterside north
Lincoln, Witch & Wardrobe, Waterside North
Lincoln, Witch & Wardrobe, Waterside North
Lincoln, Witch & Wardrobe, Waterside North

Displayed outside the pub.

DB 7 February 2019

Lincoln, Witch & Wardrobe, public house, waterside north
Lincoln, Ye Olde Crowne, Clasketgate
Lincoln, Ye Olde Crowne, Clasketgate
Lincoln, Ye Olde Crowne, Clasketgate

Reported in Lincolnshire Life May 2012 that :-

"Today's Ye Olde Crowne is a mock-Tudor building of the late 1930s, designed by architectural firm Traylen & Lenton for James Hole and Co." 

DB 10 August 2019

Lincoln, Ye Olde Crowne, Clasketgate, public house
Lincoln, Ye Olde Crown Inn
Lincoln, Ye Olde Crown Inn
Lincoln, Ye Olde Crown Inn

A view of Ye Olde Crown in, Clasketgate, before its rebuilding in fake "Tudorbethan" style by Traylen & Lenton, architects of Stamford and Grantham, in 1937.

This pub was bought by James Hole and Co. of Newark in 1901;  Hole's were a major brewer in the East Midlands but lost their independence in 1967 to the national conglomerate Courage.

undated photograph

Pubs and Hotels, Ye Olde Crown, Traylen & Lenton, James Hole, Courage