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Minting, Manor Farmhouse
Minting, Manor Farmhouse
Minting, Manor Farmhouse

This former farmhouse, now called The Old Manor House, was built in the late seventeenth century.

The extensive use of darker vitrified headers to enliven the Flemish bonding of the brickwork is unusual for this date. 

Pearl Wheatley, 2012

Minting, Manor Farm
Minting, Priory Cottage
Minting, Priory Cottage
Minting, Priory Cottage

The date of construction of this cottage is the late seventeenth century but it was considerably modified in the twentieth.

Pearl Wheatley, 2012

Minting, Priory Cottage
Minting, St Andrew
Minting, St Andrew
Minting, St Andrew

St Andrew's  was almost entirely rebuilt in 1864 by Ewan Christian, though he retained the Early English three bay north arcade of the earlier building.

August 2011

Minting, St Andrew, Ewan Christian
Minting, St Andrew
Minting, St Andrew
Minting, St Andrew

St Andrew's small bell turret and spirelet which are supported on a buttress on the west wall of the church.

August 2011

Minting, St Andrew, bell turret
Minting, St Andrew, cross shaft
Minting, St Andrew, cross shaft
Minting, St Andrew, cross shaft

This cross-shaft dates from c1200 and is carved with the Crucifixion.

August 2011

Minting, St Andrew
Minting, St Andrew, organ case
Minting, St Andrew, organ case
Minting, St Andrew, organ case

A typical small country church pipe organ, with one manual and few stops.

August 2011

Minting, St Andrew, organ case
Minting, Wesleyan Methodist Chapel
Minting, Wesleyan Methodist Chapel
Minting, Wesleyan Methodist Chapel

The Wesleyans built this chapel (on Chapel Lane) in 1838 and enlarged the building in 895.

It closed in 1980 and has subsequently been remodelled and extended as a dwelling.

August 2020
Minting, Wesleyan Methodist Chapel