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North Carlton
North Carlton Hall
North Carlton Hall
North Carlton Hall

The main front of this Elizabethan house faces south. It is built of coursed rubble limestone with ashlar dressings and was extensively remodelled in the late nineteenth century.

This house was owned and occupied by members of the Monson family until the mid-twentieth century.

It is Grade I listed.

T R Leach Collection, 1977

North Carlton, Hall, Monson family
North Carlton, Hall
North Carlton, Hall
North Carlton, Hall

The Old Hall was formerly known as the Manor House. It dates from the late sixteenth century when it was acquired by the Monson family, and was much altered in the nineteenth.

Pearl Wheatley, 2011

North Carlton, Old Hall, Manor House
North Carlton, St Luke
North Carlton, St Luke
North Carlton, St Luke

A Georgian building of 1771-3 with the exception of the Perpendicular tower.

The church (St Luke) in North Carlton has a coved ceiling inside, apsidal sanctuary and Monson brasses.

Mark Acton, 2009

North Carlton, St Luke, Church, apse, Georgian, Monson,
North Carlton, St Luke
North Carlton, St Luke
North Carlton, St Luke

The tower of St Luke's Church dates from the fifteenth century; the remainder of the church was built in the 1770s.

August 2013

North Carlton, St Luke
North Carlton, St Luke
North Carlton, St Luke
North Carlton, St Luke

The church of St Luke in North Carlton is a Georgian building of 1771-3 with the exception of the Perpendicular tower.

It has a coved ceiling inside, apsidal sanctuary and Monson brasses.

March 2019 

North Carlton, St Luke
North Carlton, St Luke
North Carlton, St Luke
North Carlton, St Luke

The rounded apse has small circular windows or oculi to the north and south.

March 2019

North Carlton, St Luke, oculus, apse
North Carlton, St Luke
North Carlton, St Luke
North Carlton, St Luke

Kelly's Directory 1930 states :-

"The church (name un-known)** was rebuilt in 1773, and is an edifice of stone, consisting of nave with apsidal chancel in the Classic style, and a Gothic tower containing 3 bells :

in the church are monumental slabs to several of the Monson family :

in 1897 the church was restored and reseated, at a cost of £634, when a new porch was added:

on the north wall of the chancel is a wooden tablet, erected in memory of the men of the parish who fell in the Great War, 1914-18:

there are 85 sittings"

** The church was dedicated to St Luke in the 1960s.

DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image
North Carlton, St Luke
North Carlton, St Luke
North Carlton, St Luke

White's Directory 1872 reports :-

"The Church, rebuilt in 1775, is a small stone structure, consisting of nave, apsidal chancel, and tower with three bells, and containing 130 sittings.

The benefice is a vicarage, which has been endowed with £400 of Queen Anne's Bounty, and a parliamentary grant of £200, and now valued at £93, in the incumbency of the Rev. Charles T. J. Bajnes, of Saxilby"

DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image
North Carlton, St Luke, Chancel
North Carlton, St Luke, Chancel
North Carlton, St Luke, Chancel

Apsidal chancel with single oculus windows above and to either side of the altar.

"finely curved altar rails with delicately turned balusters" 

DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image, chancel
North Carlton, St Luke, Chancel, Monument
North Carlton, St Luke, Chancel, Monument
North Carlton, St Luke, Chancel, Monument

On the chancel floor an undated brass plaque to Sir Robert Monson.

DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image, brass, Sir Robert Monson
North Carlton, St Luke, Chancel, Monument
North Carlton, St Luke, Chancel, Monument
North Carlton, St Luke, Chancel, Monument

On the chancel floor a brass plaque to Edward Monson d.1714. The 11th son of Sir John Monson.

DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image
North Carlton, St Luke, Churchyard
North Carlton, St Luke, Churchyard
North Carlton, St Luke, Churchyard

The lamp post alongside the church path carries the City of Lincoln crest.

August 2013

North Carlton, St Luke, City of Lincoln, lamp post
North Carlton, St Luke, Churchyard
North Carlton, St Luke, Churchyard
North Carlton, St Luke, Churchyard

A large rectangular plot of Slater family graves immediately to the north of the church.

White's Directory 1872 reports "CARLTON (NORTH), a pleasant village, on the acclivity of a picturesque valley, 4 miles N. by W. of Lincoln, has in its parish 135 souls, and 1795 acres of land, which was sold, with the rectorial tithe's and patronage of the church by Frederick John, fifth Lord Monson, about the year 1836, to the late Samuel Slater, Esq., of North Carlton Hall, a large mansion, in the Elizabethan style, formerly a seat of the Monson family"

DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image, Slater
North Carlton, St Luke, Churchyard, Silver Jubilee
North Carlton, St Luke, Churchyard, Silver Jubilee
North Carlton, St Luke, Churchyard, Silver Jubilee

A stone set into the churchyard wall celebrating Queen Elizabeth II's Silver Jubilee in 1977.

DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image, Silver Jubilee 1977
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave

Looking east towards the rounded chancel arch.

Dentillated frieze and plain coved ceiling.

DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave

Looking west towards the tower arch.

"In the nave is plain panelling to dado height" 

DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave

View diagonally across the nave from the south door.

"The interior was redecorated and the church re dedicated to St Luke in the 1960s"  

DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Doorway
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Doorway
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Doorway

Double doors leading into the south porch from the nave.

DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image, doorway
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Font
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Font
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Font
North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image, font
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Memorial
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Memorial
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Memorial


DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image, war memorial
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Memorial
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Memorial
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Memorial

Offertory box with a brass plate in memory of James R.D. Ford Lincolnshire Regiment killed in action May 1940.

DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image, war memorial
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Monument
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Monument
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Monument

"On the south wall of the nave a white marble wall plaque in the Greek Taste to Caleb Slater d,1805" 

DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image, monument, Caleb Slater
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Organ
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Organ
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Organ

Manufacturer's plate reads "Morton Bros. & Co. London"

DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image, organ, Morton Bros. & Co.
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Pews
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Pews
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Pews

A view across the nave towards the north. Pews presumably C18?

DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Pulpit
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Pulpit
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Pulpit

"C18 oak octagonal pulpit with brass candlesticks" 

DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image, pulpit
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Reading Desk
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Reading Desk
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Reading Desk

Reading desk set against the inside of the chancel arch.

DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image, reading desk
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, War Memorial
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, War Memorial
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, War Memorial

First World War Memorial on the north side of the nave.

DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image, war memorial
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Window
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Window
North Carlton, St Luke, Nave, Window

A round-headed window, with rounded hood mould, scrolled end-stops and keystone, on the south side of the nave, in typical Georgian style.

March 2019

North Carlton, St Luke, window
North Carlton, St Luke, Porch
North Carlton, St Luke, Porch
North Carlton, St Luke, Porch

A simple porch in Georgian style. Two wrought iron clasps restrain the two pilasters at the front corners of the porch.

March 2019

North Carlton, St Luke, porch
North Carlton, St Luke, Tower
North Carlton, St Luke, Tower
North Carlton, St Luke, Tower

"Tower of 2 stages, moulded string course, embattled parapet with C15 corner pinnacles, unbuttressed originally, but now with added angle buttresses" 

DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image, tower
North Carlton, St Luke, Tower
North Carlton, St Luke, Tower
North Carlton, St Luke, Tower

"Recut 2 light 4 centred arched C15 window in blocking of the west door"

DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image, window
North Carlton, St Luke, Tower Arch
North Carlton, St Luke, Tower Arch
North Carlton, St Luke, Tower Arch

"Inside, the tower arch is of 2 chamfered orders with narrow octagonal capitals and responds" 

DB 4 August 2022

North Carlton, Saint Luke Church, Image, tower arch
North Carlton, Village Hall
North Carlton, Village Hall
North Carlton, Village Hall

Built in mid-nineteenth century, with a later lean-to addition at the front to house the 'offices' and create an entrance lobby.

At the time of the photograph this building was in poor condition.

Pearl Wheatley, 2011

North Carlton, Village room