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Roxby, Old School
Roxby, Old School
Roxby, Old School

The National School was built in Roxby in 1867 by Valentine Carey-Elwes.

April 2015

Roxby, primary school, Valentine Carey-Elwes
Roxby, Primitive Methodist Chapel
Roxby, Primitive Methodist Chapel
Roxby, Primitive Methodist Chapel

The chapel on South Street was opened for the Primitive Methodists in 1898. A schoolroom, the entrance to which is seen here to the right, was added in 1962.

September 2022 

Roxby, Primitive Methodist Chapel
Roxby, Primitive Methodist Chapel, Datestone
Roxby, Primitive Methodist Chapel, Datestone
Roxby, Primitive Methodist Chapel, Datestone

The clear and stylish datestone (marking the commencement of building work) is on the gable end above the porch, which was added at a later date.

September 2022 

Roxby, Primitive Methodist Chapel
Roxby, St Mary
Roxby, St Mary
Roxby, St Mary

St Mary's, Roxby, has a tower dating to the late Anglo-Saxon or early Norman periods.

Much of the rest of the building is the work of the ubiquitous James Fowler in 1875, though he left many medieval features inside.

Mark Acton, April 2015

Roxby, St Mary church, James Fowler
Roxby, St Mary
Roxby, St Mary
Roxby, St Mary

View of St Mary's from the north-east.

The east window of the chancel has flowing tracery of the Decorated period.

April 2015

Roxby, St Mary church
Roxby, St Mary
Roxby, St Mary
Roxby, St Mary

The fine, plain tower, probably of Saxon origin.

It is noteworthy that the tower is unbuttressed whilst most other parts of the building (Fowler's work) are heavily buttressed.

April 2015

Roxby, St Mary church
Roxby, St Mary
Roxby, St Mary
Roxby, St Mary

Windows in the south aisle are particularly attractive.

April 2015

Roxby, St Mary church
Roxby, St Mary
Roxby, St Mary
Roxby, St Mary

An earlier photograph of the south face of the tower.

Jews' Court collection, 1978

Roxby, St Mary
Roxby, St Mary, clock
Roxby, St Mary, clock
Roxby, St Mary, clock

This small window on the south side of the tower suggests Anglo-Saxon origin.

The clock is in memory of the 10 villagers who died in the First World War and the one who perished in WW2.

April 2015

Roxby, St Mary church, clock
Roxby, St Mary, doorway
Roxby, St Mary, doorway
Roxby, St Mary, doorway

The priest's doorway on the south side of the chancel has an ogee head and gable.

April 2015

Roxby, St Mary church doorway
Roxby, St Mary, war memorial
Roxby, St Mary, war memorial
Roxby, St Mary, war memorial

This plaque is at the foot of the south face of the church tower, below the commemorative clock.

It records the names of ten villagers (Harold Burton, Arthur Collingwood, Sydney Markham, Tom Rowell, Albert Barley, Osborne Barnes, George Cartledge, Arthur Markham, Ernest Gravell, Arthur Gravell) who died in WW1 and one (Fred Barnes) who died in WW2.

April 2015

Roxby, St Mary church, clock