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Winthorpe, Seathorne&nbspTea&nbspGardens
Winthorpe, Seathorne Tea Gardens
Winthorpe, Seathorne Tea Gardens

The Seathorne Tea Gardens & Café was sited on Winthorpe Avenue. It offered 'board residence' and had tennis courts and a bowling green. 

Undated postcard by Raphael Tuck. 

Winthorpe, Seathorne
Winthorpe, Seathorne&nbspTea&nbspGardens
Winthorpe, Seathorne Tea Gardens
Winthorpe, Seathorne Tea Gardens

In 1939 the proprietor of the Tea Gardens & Café was Frederick W. Warner. The date of demolition is unknown but has been described as derelict in the 1970s but bstill standing in the 1980s

Undated postcard by Raphael Tuck. 

Winthorpe, Seathorne
Winthorpe, St Mary
Winthorpe, St Mary
Winthorpe, St Mary

Winthorpe, on the northern edge of Skegness, was a separate parish until modern times.

The church of St Mary, in Perpendicular style, has architectural features common to several other Marshland churches.

There are some 12th century elements inside (pier bases, capitals) but most of the structure is later.

The examples of medieval woodwork - parclose and rood screens, chancel seats, bench ends and south door - are especially admirable.

Undated postcard

Winthorpe, St Mary church, Skegness, rood screen, parclose,
Winthorpe, St Mary
Winthorpe, St Mary
Winthorpe, St Mary

The church of St Mary's, Winthorpe, is a typical Perpendicular marshland edifice though containing late twelfth-century fragments.

The ornate south porch dates from 1520. The interior has much fine woodwork - rood screen, parclose screens, chancel seats, benchends and roof bosses.

It is close to Skegness but seeming remote.

Winthorpe, St Mary church, Perpendicular
Winthorpe, St Mary
Winthorpe, St Mary
Winthorpe, St Mary

These initials (HW) and date (1837?) appear near ground level on the tower. Presumably these refer to Victorian repair or restoration.

August 2013 

Winthorpe, St Mary church
Winthorpe, St Mary
Winthorpe, St Mary
Winthorpe, St Mary

The west tower has late Perpendicular bell openings and a lead covered spike.  This view from the south-west also shows the fine clerestory with battlements and pinnacles.

August 2013

Winthorpe, St Mary church
Winthorpe, St Mary
Winthorpe, St Mary
Winthorpe, St Mary

View of St Mary's tower from the west.

Frank Skelton, c.1970

Winthorpe, St Mary
Winthorpe, St Mary
Winthorpe, St Mary
Winthorpe, St Mary

An imposing view of the church in winter sunshine.

Frank Skelton, c.1970

Winthorpe, St Mary
Winthorpe, St Mary
Winthorpe, St Mary
Winthorpe, St Mary

Another wintertime view of the church.

Frank Skelton, c.1970

Winthorpe, St Mary
Winthorpe, St Mary, churchyard cross
Winthorpe, St Mary, churchyard cross
Winthorpe, St Mary, churchyard cross

The cross to the south of the church has been restored on more than one occasion.

A bronze plaque at the base reads: 'This cross was restored in memory of Winthorpe men who gave their lives 1914-1920'

August 2013

Winthorpe, St Mary, churchyard cross
Winthorpe, St Mary, porch
Winthorpe, St Mary, porch
Winthorpe, St Mary, porch

The ornate south porch of St Mary's dates from 1520. It was given by Robert Langay and William Palmer.

August 2013

Winthorpe, St Mary church, porch
Winthorpe, St Mary, window
Winthorpe, St Mary, window
Winthorpe, St Mary, window

Window in Perpendicular style at the west end of the south aisle.

August 2013

Winthorpe, St Mary, window
Winthorpe, St Mary, window
Winthorpe, St Mary, window
Winthorpe, St Mary, window

Window in Perpendicular style in the south wall of the chancel.

August 2013

Winthorpe, St Mary church, window
Winthorpe, St Mary, window
Winthorpe, St Mary, window
Winthorpe, St Mary, window

Window in Perpendicular style in the south wall of the south aisle.

August 2013

Winthorpe, St Mary church, window