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Cumberworth, Methodist Church
Cumberworth, Methodist Church
Cumberworth, Methodist Church

This chapel on Willoughby Road was the last one in village used by the Methodists.

It was built in 1853 as a Wesleyan Reform chapel, later to become Free Methodist and then United Methodist before the general union of Methodist churches in 1932.

September 2018

Cumberworth, Methodist Chapel, Wesleyan Reform
Cumberworth, St Helen
Cumberworth, St Helen
Cumberworth, St Helen

St Helen's has been redundant for several years and is now surrounded by large trees and invasive shrubbery.

The church dates from 1838, though the early 13th century priest's doorway survives and there is also original work in the south doorway and a window from the Perpendicular and Decorated periods.

August 2013

Cumberworth, St Helen church
Cumberworth, St Helen
Cumberworth, St Helen
Cumberworth, St Helen

The polygonal leaded bell-turret of St Helen's, dating from 1838, looks more modern.

August 2013

Cumberworth, St Helen church, bell turret
Cumberworth, St Helen
Cumberworth, St Helen
Cumberworth, St Helen

An earlier photograph of St Helen's south elevation of the 1838 church showing the reticulated windows in Decorated style.

Jews' Court collection, 1978

Cumberworth, St Helen