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Frieston (South Kesteven)
Frieston, Frieston Hall, Hough Road
Frieston, Frieston Hall, Hough Road
Frieston, Frieston Hall, Hough Road

"House, C17 with early C19 additions and front" 

DB 16 April 2018

Frieston (South Kesteven), Hall
Frieston, The Green
Frieston, The Green
Frieston, The Green

"Frieston Green is the historic core of the hamlet and forms the focal point of the Conservation Area.

The large open green is enclosed on the north and east sides by buildings which date from the 17th-19th centuries" 

DB 16 April 2018

Frieston (South Kesteven), The Green
Frieston, The Green
Frieston, The Green
Frieston, The Green

"The green occupies a gently rising south-north incline which elevates the buildings on the north side above those on the east.

The buildings on the north side are separated from the green by ironstone boundary walls capped with clay pantiles and are partially screened from view by mature trees and vegetation in the private gardens. " 

DB 16 April 2018

Frieston (South Kesteven), The Green
Frieston, The Green, Denver House
Frieston, The Green, Denver House
Frieston, The Green, Denver House

"House, C17 with front of circa 1800" 

DB 16 April 2018

Frieston (South Kesteven), Denver House, The Green
Frieston, The Green, The Old Place
Frieston, The Green, The Old Place
Frieston, The Green, The Old Place

"House, C17 with C20 alterations"

DB 16 April 2018

Frieston (South Kesteven), Old Place, The Green
Frieston, The Green, Trap House
Frieston, The Green, Trap House
Frieston, The Green, Trap House

"Trap house, 1846" 

Former coach house associated with Denver House. 

DB 16 April 2018

Frieston (South Kesteven), Trap House