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Dowsby, St&nbspAndrew
Dowsby, St Andrew
Dowsby, St Andrew

The tower is Perpendicular as are most of the windows. The north arcade is Early English.

The chancel, aisles and clerestory were rebuilt in 1864.

Mark Acton, 2017

Dowsby, St Andrew
Dowsby, St&nbspAndrew
Dowsby, St Andrew
Dowsby, St Andrew

The tower, from the Perpendicular period, has large angle buttresses and a staircase to the bell tower.

October 2017


Dowsby, St Andrew
Dowsby, St&nbspAndrew
Dowsby, St Andrew
Dowsby, St Andrew

View of the east end of the church. The chancel, including the east window, were rebuilt in 1864 using old materials.

October 2017

Dowsby, St Andrew
Dowsby, St&nbspAndrew, Saxon interlace
Dowsby, St Andrew, Saxon interlace
Dowsby, St Andrew, Saxon interlace

These four fragments with interlace patterns of the Saxon period are on the east wall of the south aisle.

October 2017

Dowsby, St Andrew, Saxon interlace