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North Lindsey Light Railway Notice
North Lindsey Light Railway Notice
North Lindsey Light Railway Notice

A cast iron notice on display at the National Railway Museum York.

The North Lindsey Light Railway stretched from Scunthorpe to Whitton which was a terminal station.

Original location of this notice not known. 

DB 12 January 2019

Whitton, North Lindsey Light Railway, Notice
Whitton, St John
Whitton, St John
Whitton, St John

The village of Whitton sits above the Humber. Its tower and tower arch are Norman.

The rest is the work of W Bassett Smith in the 1890s.

St John's is that rarest of things in the area - an unlocked church.

Mark Acton, April 2015

Whitton, St John church, A Bassett Smith
Whitton, St John
Whitton, St John
Whitton, St John

St John's fine tower dates from the Norman period, though Pevsner considers that the bell-openings are later.

April 2015

Whitton, St John church
Whitton, St John
Whitton, St John
Whitton, St John

The view of St John's from the south-east.

Bassett Smith's work of the 1890s provided windows in late thirteenth century style.

April 2015

Whitton, St John church
Whitton, St John
Whitton, St John
Whitton, St John

Whitton St John's prominent position overlooking the Humber estuary is evident in this view from the south-west.

April 2015

Whitton, St John church
Whitton, St John, tower arch
Whitton, St John, tower arch
Whitton, St John, tower arch

The tower arch leading from the nave has survived from the Norman period.

April 2015

Whitton, St John church doorway