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Wigtoft, Golden Fleece
Wigtoft, Golden Fleece
Wigtoft, Golden Fleece

The Golden Fleece closed on 6 December 2014 following the retirement of its long-standing landlady. It is now in residential use.

Mark Acton, 2014

Wigtoft, Golden Fleece
Wigtoft, St Peter & St Paul
Wigtoft, St Peter & St Paul
Wigtoft, St Peter & St Paul

An impressive church, with elegant 13th century nave arcades, 14th century tracery in its aisle windows, and clerestory, tower and spire all 15th century work.

Some Norman masonry survives at the base of the tower.

September 2011

See other images of this church

Wigtoft, St Peter & St Paul church
Wigtoft, St Peter & St Paul
Wigtoft, St Peter & St Paul
Wigtoft, St Peter & St Paul

A Fen church generally open to visitors during the day and worth the stop.

Mark Acton, 2014

Wigtoft, St Pater & St Paul church
Wigtoft, St Peter & St Paul, west window
Wigtoft, St Peter & St Paul, west window
Wigtoft, St Peter & St Paul, west window

This late Norman window is in the west wall of the tower. Pevsner was unsure whether it was in situ.

Mark Acton, 2014

Wigtoft, St Peter & St Paul church, west window