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Industry - Other Machinery
Branston, Bus
Branston, Bus
Branston, Bus

One of the first buses (Silver Queen) to serve Branston, seen here at Branston cross roads pointing along Station Road towards Heighington.

It appears to have come from Sleaford and to be heading for Lincoln. The destination board on the front reads: LINCOLN via Washingborough, Heighington, Branston, Metheringham, Blankney, Scopwick, Digby, Dorrington and Ruskington.

The tall building behind it is the Post Office.

Branston, bus, Heighington, Post Office
Heighington, Curtis's Lorries
Heighington, Curtis's Lorries
Heighington, Curtis's Lorries

This photograph was taken on 7 August 1954 and shows the post-Second World War fleet of Curtis's lorries in Mill Field. The furthest eight appear to be ex-army vehicles.

This is now the site of the Primary School with, in the background, houses on the south side of Washingborough Road.

Heighington, Curtis, Lorry, Mill Field
Heighington, Motor Lorries
Heighington, Motor Lorries
Heighington, Motor Lorries

Some of the earliest motor lorries belonging to the watermill in Heighington.

The man second to the left is Bert Scott.

Heighington, lorry, watermill, Bert Scott
Lincoln, Ruston Bucyrus Excavator
Lincoln, Ruston Bucyrus Excavator
Lincoln, Ruston Bucyrus Excavator
The massive excavator, weighing over 300 tons, shovelling coal in the 1950s.
IA and Bridges, Ruston Bucyrus Excavator